Heat Pumps Will Hold Almost 20% of Global Heating Market by 2030, According to IEA

Heat Pumps Will Hold Almost 20% of Global Heating Market by 2030, According to IEA 

  Riccardo Tigani (General Manager at Linea3C Srl) |  Linkedin Page    28/12/2022

According to the International Energy Agency report, if governments keep their commitments on energy and climate, by 2030 heat pumps will account for nearly half of the total reduction in the use of fossil fuels for heating buildings, so their global market share would double from one-tenth to nearly one-fifth.

The REPowerEU targets foresee the doubling of the diffusion of heat pumps in the EU by 2026, which would translate into 60 million heat pumps installed by 2030, including the current 17 million, according to calculations by the European Heat Pump Association.

To ensure the success of heat pumps, governments and industry must aim to make them the most affordable heating and cooling option by freeing up the supply chain and enhancing training programs.

The IEA also states that policy certainty is critical to the industry, which is a point that the European Heat Pump Association has repeatedly made to the EU asking in particular for a global action plan to accelerate the deployment of heat pumps.

The Anima Confindustria federated association Assoclima also actively collaborated in drafting the IEA report, participating in a consultation workshop and proposing additions to the contents.

The full “Future of heat pumps” report can be downloaded here.

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